I met Jessica Cherry back in June of 2022 at the Austin Business Woman Awards where Jessica was presented with the Blogger of the Year Award, two years in a row! We were seated together, and we just clicked. We were two Latinas that were each pursuing their own goals and redefining the meaning of success. We chatted, laughed and had an amazing night surrounded by other women with similar ambitions, goals, fears, and courage. What I love most about that night at ABW is that our husbands were there to cheer us on and support our journeys. Fast forward almost one year and we still stay in touch and now we’re practically neighbors!
Please meet Jessica Cherry with Life of a Cherry Wife:

Jessica Cherry is an award-winning lifestyle writer and founder of Life of a Cherry Wife. She is the winner of the 2022 and 2021 Austin Business Woman’s Blogger of the Year Award, has been a repeat guest on the CW Network’s “The Connect Show”, featured as a “Change Maker” in Voyage Magazine, featured in Latina Connection Magazine, a Contributing Writer for Austin Mom’s Blog, a 2022 SXSW Ambassador, and has made guest appearances on other parenting platforms and shows. In addition, she is a Business Operations and Strategic Partnership Manager for a national non-profit. She is also active in her community by serving as a Board Member in the Hispanic Women's Network of Texas and as an Advisory Board Member with Austin Business Woman.
Jessica writes about family, food, style, and motivation as a Latina woman. She currently represents brands such as Nickelodeon, SHEIN, Sambucol, and has collaborated with hundreds of both National and local companies such as Dick’s Sporting Goods, Kalahari Resorts, The Long Center, IPSY, and hundreds more.
What is your best memory?
That comes in at a three-way tie. My best memories are a tie between my wedding day and the birth of my two children. These three memories made a huge impact on my life and each memory was a significant personal turning point within me as a woman and a human being. They truly changed me at my core, and I am so grateful for this trio.
What obstacle are you most proud of overcoming?
Great question. I am truly grateful for overcoming self-doubt. When I was younger, I really believed it when someone told me I couldn't do something. In my upbringing, I had influential people tell me I wasn't cut out for school, success or motherhood. Once I truly started believing in myself and overcoming the self-doubt, those barriers they placed on me were crushed. I can truly achieve whatever I put my thought, energy and heart into, and so can anyone else.
If you could give other women advice, what would that be?
Sometimes, you will be your only cheerleader, and that is the best thing. Don't take that as a negative, but as a positive instead. Some people can't see your vision, your goals or your dreams, and that is because the vision is yours, not theirs. There were times my husband thought I was crazy, but I did it anyway. There were times my family or friends didn't think I had what it takes, but I persisted and achieved. It is okay to go on a journey alone, in fact sometimes it can be better that way. Doubt your doubt!
Follow Jessica Cherry on social media at @lifeofacherrywife.
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